Monica DeLorme, MS, LAc
Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Thai Yoga Massage Therapist
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Herbal Medicine, Tuina Massage & bodywork, Cupping & Gua Sha, Thai Yoga Massage.
Acupuncture addresses a broad spectrum of health concerns including acute and chronic pain and illness, menstruation, fertility and menopausal imbalance, emotional, hormonal and stress-related disharmonies; headaches, migraines, sleep disturbance, detox and addictions; respiratory illnesses, immune disorders and allergies, anxiety/depression.
Thai Yoga Massage is a dynamic and rhythmic approach to bodywork, incorporating stretching and massage techniques to release tension and energy blockages, improve range of motion, relieve pain and promote strong and centered flow of energy. Treatments are adjusted according to the individual’s anatomy, level of fitness, medical history and constitution.
(802) 786-0690
[email protected]